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At the time of technological progress, debate revolving around automation

and robotisation is active and full of inconsistent opinions.


In this article I will try to present the outline of polemic about these topics regarding different perspectives:






Adaption to changes – survival of the fittest:

The first perspective draws on conception "survival of the fittest" and presumes that in competitive world of business, prevail not the most powerful or the brightest, but those who adjust well to changes. In the industrial context, automation and robotisation are considered to be invetible phenomenons, which require flexibility and adaptation from the companies. Enterprises, which are able to understand and accordingly conform to these trends, gain good chances for outlasting and future development on the dynamically changing market. 






Creating the future –  human role in the automation world

The second perspective undrelines the significant role of human in shaping the future in the context of automation and industrial robotisation. Although these processes are definitively important, they shuoldn't be perceived as the only goal, but rather as a subservience to improvement the quality of life and humane wellbeing. Therefore, the right management of automation process, providing for human work and undetstanding of staff's needs is becoming crucial for sustained success and harmonic enterprise's growth. Well organised and adjusted for needments of human resources automation systems may contribute to increasing productivity, droping the amount of mistakes and establishing more ergonomic and friendly work environments.  





Research and analisys conducted over the course of recent years shows tha companies, which made a decision about investment in automation and robotisation for their activity, setted down many benefits such as streamlining capability, lower costs od production and gaining average on the market. As a result, these enterprises are becoming more competitive and are contributing to the dynamic economic growth.  









Balance between adaptation and creating the future


Companies have to adjust to changing condidtions on the market and remember about their values and their sustainable goals. Finding out balance between these two perspectives may form foundation for enduring growth and creating solutions, which subserve the common weal. Industrial automation and robotisation are questions, which involve comprehensive approach and open debate. Only then we will be able to achieve concinnous development on the level of individual enterprises, as well as entire society. In practice, it means aim for running enhacement and implementing innovations, simultaneously caring about bringing in changes, which are compliant with values of the firm. Balance between adaptation and creating the future enables companies to build strong basics, on wich they could grow in sustainable way, enhancing their market position and  contributing to general social prosperity.





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